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breast cancer

 breast cancer

Breast Cancer

Breast cancer occurs when some breast cells begin to grow in an abnormal way. These cells divide more quickly than healthy cells and go on to accumulate, forming a mass or tumor. The cells may spread through the breast to lymph nodes or to other parts of your body.

Those at risk of contracting the disease

Breast cancer is not a communicable or contagious disease. Unlike some cancers that have infection-related causes, such as HPV infection and cervical cancer, there are no known viral or bacterial infections associated with the development of breast cancer. Nearly half of breast cancers affect women who have no specific risk factors for breast cancer other than gender (female) and age (over 40 years). Certain factors increase the risk of breast cancer, including:
  • Advancing age
    • Obesity, especially after menopause
    • Harmful use of alcohol
    • Having a history of breast cancer in the family
    • Having a history of exposure to radiation
    • Reproductive health history (such as age at the start of menstruation and at first pregnancy) Tobacco use and postmenopausal hormone therapy Contraceptives that Taken orally
    • Not breastfeeding

    Behaviors that reduce the risk of breast cancer

  • Prolonged breastfeeding
  • Regular physical activity
  • Weight control
  • Reducing harmful use of alcohol
  • Avoid exposure to tobacco smoke
  • Avoid prolonged use of hormones
  • Avoid excessive exposure to radiation

Breast Cancer Treatment

Breast cancer treatment can be very effective, achieving survival odds of 90% or higher, especially When the disease is detected early. Treatment generally involves surgery, radiotherapy in order to control the disease in the breast, lymph nodes and surrounding areas, and systemic therapy, i.e. anti-cancer drugs given orally or intravenously, to treat and reduce the risk of the cancer spreading. In the past, all breast cancers were treated surgically by mastectomy, and when cancers were extensive, mastectomy may still be necessary. However, most breast cancers today can be treated with a smaller procedure called a lumpectomy or partial mastectomy, in which only the tumor is removed from the breast. In these cases, radiation therapy to the breast is generally required in order to reduce the chances of the cancer recurring in the breast.
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